Most people expect the rides at carnivals to be safe, but human error can cause that to quickly change. That's just what happened at a fair in Lopburi, Thailand, where five people, including two children, were thrown from a pirate-themed carnival ride. A video captured the accident. which shows the ride spinning around then, on one rotation, the bar holding some riders down comes up, throwing five people from their seats.
Four people landed on the ride's steel walkway but one boy was catapulted over a steel railing and wound up on the ground next to the ride.
According to The Sun, that boy suffered a bleeding head wound and a 13-year-old girl broke her leg. The injured riders were taken to a local hospital but they have since been released.
A 30-year-old named Ake was operating the ride. He apologized for his "carelessness," saying, "I was in charge at the control center because my friend who also ran [the] station went to the toilet and then had a break. I want to apologize to the people who were hurt and their family, but I did not know much about the machine so I did not check anything before I started it."
Police have shut down the ride while they check on the owner's license. That owner could face prosecution on top of any lawsuits filed against them by the victims.
Photo: YouTube