Some teachers have an effect on their students' lives that is remembered for a lifetime. Of course, that effect isn't always good. That was the case for one former student named Larry, who was gearing up for a high school reunion. On a Facebook group about the upcoming event, he responded to a one-time classmate's post about her favorite teacher, Mrs. Johanson, and her hope that the teacher comes to the reunion. Larry wrote, "WTF that lady was youre favorite teacher?!? she a bitch cuz of her i had 2 take summer school!" A few hours later, Mrs. Johanson, who it turns out was part of the Facebook group, responded with an epic burn. The beloved teacher wrote:
"Sadly, I will not be able to attend, but thank you all for inviting me to the group. Larry, I am sorry you feel that way. Obviously my grammar lessons didn't stick too well."
Larry didn't give up though. In fact, the former high schooler doubled down... and paid the price. He wrote, "w/ever i couldnt say it n hs so i say it now U R A BITHC!" It only took 43 minutes for Mrs. Johanson to come back with a smackdown. She said:
"Larry, you can barely say it now. Also, you could have said that in High School, because "BITHC" isn't a real word. I am going to use my context clues and assume you are attempting to call me a bitch. In that case, I will point out that your Facebook information lets me know that you are now currently single and unemployed. Who is the bitch now?"
Looks like Mrs. Johanson is still teaching lessons even when school isn't in session.